Oct 13, 2021Liked by Matt Bartle

Matt— wow. You truly have a gift, Sir. Since you started writing again— have life moments been really catching you and you just start writing in your head the very moment they are happening?

Your writing is like watching a great symphony perform. So many working features coming together to make one piece come to life. 👍🏽✍🏼

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Why thank you so much for the lovely comments! It's still weird to try and share my scribblings with people. I've got a whole heap of stuff that I've written for one-on-one writing classes, so the only person who's seen them is the tutor. Well, sometimes my wife too but now she refuses to read any since I wrote something that made her cry (not in a nasty way or anything, just in that the content made her sad, I'm not a monster).

For me, I write loads of little notes to myself and then try shoe-horn them into a narrative. It's more that I have little ideas or poses or bits of dialogue that I like and then try and extrapolate from there.

How do you work best? Are you a planner or a note taker?

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